Just Arrived Now Available in Fort Lauderdale, Import Duty Paid, Available to all Buyers!
Features Include :
- Custom Stainless Solar Arch with 1500 watts LG Solar Panels
- 900AH ReLion Lithium batteries
- Victron Quattro Energy 5,000 Watt Inverter Charger
- Soft Start for AC units to run on Battery
- Northern Lights 9KW Generator
- Raymarine Electronics to Include AIS, Autopilot Remote, Quantum Radar, 12" Axiom Multifunction Display
- Kenyon Induction Cooktop (no propane)
- Spectra Newport Watermaker with Z-Ion 16gph
- Water Purifier at Galley Sink
- Custom Freezer Install
- Extra Refrigerator Aft Cockpit
- Dishwasher in Galley
- Washer/Dryer
- Electric Freshwater Toilets
- Bauer Jr. Dive Compressor
- Rogue Wave Wifi Extender
- Iridium GO
- 73lb Rocna
- Max Props
- Custom Rubrail
- Custom Helm Isinglass Enclosure
- Custom Cockpit Cushions
- Parasailor and blocks and clutches
- Upgraded Halyards to Dyneema
- 250 feet Stainless Steel Anchor Chain
- Offshore Medical Kit
- Sonihull Hull Cleaning system
OC Tender with 20hp Tohatsu electric start
The list goes on and on! + More details and photos coming soon!